
We’re thrilled you want to share your wedding on Almeidas Designs. Heres a few pointers on what we’re looking for:

Inspirational Photography

We prefer colour images with a mix of landscape and portrait shots.


Almeidas Designs is actively improving diversity and inclusivity across the wedding industry. We encourage submissions that embrace and represent anyone and everyone.


Our readers want to see weddings that represent a wide variety of budgets. We want simplicity, extravagance and everything in between.

Unique details

Our most popular weddings highlight the decor, fashion and any other details the couple have used to personalise their day.

Above all if the wedding is bangin’ and full of love we want to see it

We ask for exclusivity on all features, this includes print press and websites associated with magazines or newspapers. Following publication on Almeidas Designs, we ask that the images are not featured anywhere else for at least six weeks. It takes seconds to sign up for a Submittable account and once you are a member you will be able to create and manage all of your submissions in one place. You can sign up during your first submission.

If you are a bride or groom and wish to submit we suggest talking to your photographer and asking them to submit on your behalf.

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